lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

It's like screaming but no one can hear.

It's like screaming but no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important that without him, you feel like nothing. No one will never understand how much it hurts.You feel hopeless like nothing can save you and when its over and its gone, you almost wish that you can have all that bad stuff back so that you can have the good.

Bueno, todavía no he terminado del todo la siguiente parte de Mi chico misterioso, pero la colgaré en breves. El otro día una amiga me recomendó este videoclip, y me encanta lo que dice al principio. A pesar de que no me guste mucho la canción, merece la pena ver el videoclip. Espero que todo os esté yendo genial! Besos!

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